I really had meant to write the 2nd installment of my trip down sports marketing memory lane, which was to be about Tiger Woods, but given the news of the six dead hostages, I can’t. I’ll write it tomorrow.
I’m gutted over the hostages.
So I’ll just let it rip about the subject of hostage-taking in general without further ado.
I’m against negotiating with terrorist organizations, period, end of story.
I considered qualifying that sentence by saying, “I’m against negotiating with terrorist organizations for soldiers. Civilians are different.” I am, but as the two cases are different, I have to explain why I would handle them differently.
In this post I wrote about the Gilad Shalit exchange. I do have a tendency to ramble and I’m not sure I made my feelings succinctly clear. I just wrote a lot of words about these lopsided deals. Moreover, at the time I didn’t know that Shalit made mistakes — he could have avoided capture.
JTA — Gilad Shalit’s capture was the result of operational failures on his part and on the part of other members of his tank crew, interviews with Shalit have revealed.
Read the whole thing, if you dare.
I blew a gasket after learning this and avoided the subject for months — until now.
Essentially: when you put that uniform on, your life is forfeit. But…
There’s a massive difference between the October 7 hostages and Shalit (and all the other soldiers Israel had bargained dearly for). The October 7 abductees were not. I need not list these differences except to note, because I must, that some were babies. Yes, some were soldiers. Even they were in a different category than Shalit et al in that they were lulled into a false sense of complacency by their superiors. Some were unarmed. In the case of the female observers, they had been dissed and dismissed by their superiors.
But then I thought about it.
I’m against negotiating with terrorist organizations, period.
However, when a soldier is abducted, life goes on. You look at the mistakes made, adjust, and continue. When something like October 7 happens, you cannot just go on. You need to shake the pillars of the building. Because there is no point in living in such a rotten structure.
Cards on the table: I’m not in the arena. I’m not the guy who is actually doing battle at the highest reaches.
But I don’t think I’m being a critic here — I’m admitting that I’m a little guy who doesn’t know all the stuff that’s going on behind the scenes, where the real action is.
So many times facts come to the surface a generation after the event and it changes our perspective. And think of all the things we never learn. We only know a tiny fraction of what really happened.
Granted: Israel’s leadership is subject to unbearable pressures (using the plural purposely) exerted from several directions: America (meaning its power structure), and its own divided public.
So for me to say: “There should never have been negotiations with a terrorist entity like Hamas” is for me to call for something impossible, and politics is the art of the possible.
But this is how I feel:
Negotiating with Hamas was a disgrace and an admission of weakness. A real president, even one personally hostile to Israel, would never have done that.
For his own reasons of power projection, a real president would have crushed Hamas into a thousand little pieces. The utter, outrageous gall of these motherfuckers. It can’t be allowed.
And —quite remarkably given the history — he would have had an ally in Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf princes and princelings — apart from Qatar.
[Ah, Qatar, that giant can of worms. But I digress.]
It could have been done. The leaders could have been handed over to a court and tried. Or executed.
No one does anything in this world without money. Hamas money is completely entangled with “legitimate” enterprises.
Hamas could have been isolated, stripped naked, and bankrupted.
This could have happened. I’ll go to my grave thinking this.
But we in the West don’t have real leaders, we have Quislings. The day has come when I can say that the Muslim world, or part of it, has better and more rational leaders than the West. Well, that’s something. But it sucks, because nothing takes the place of American leadership.
Day after humiliating day, Israel lost soldiers in a war whose purpose was unachievable because it was in conflict with the goal of saving the hostages.
The war’s ostensible goal was to “destroy” Hamas, then it became “degrade.” What next? Demystify? But the real illogicality was: you can’t negotiate with an entity you are trying to destroy! It’s crazy!
So what would I have done, given that politics is the art of the possible?
I would have made a choice: war or hostages. And I would have told my people that. It would have been a bitter pill to swallow and perhaps I’d have lost power but that’s what I would have done.
That’s what I fault Bibi for: trying to have it both ways. He didn’t invent Pax Americana and all the bullshit that goes along with it, but he underestimated the maturity of his own people. Sometimes you have to level with the people.
Yes, I read a lot of stuff about how Israel has “degraded” Hamas, etc. And then I read that Hamas still has full brigades still waiting, and don’t forget, thousands of willing recruits. I’m sick of being lied to and censoring myself.
I think I can figure out what’s going on: Israel can control access to and from Gaza but there are still two million people, hostile, sullen, and full of rage, and this is not the Bronze Age, so they’re not going anywhere.
Take the win, as Joe Biden said.
I’m not going to go to pieces over this. It’s just another wound that will eventually scar over.
Tiger Woods tomorrow.
Thank for your article. I'm (so far) far removed from the conflict, but certain things about Oct 7 seem unfathomable to me. This is from the NYT:
“Where is the army,” Amit Man, 22, texted her family after hiding from Hamas attackers for five hours, before she was shot and killed. Others hid in the woods, barricaded themselves in safe rooms and waited for as many as 26 hours for help to arrive.
The slow response of Israeli forces on Saturday, a national holiday, gave Hamas terrorists many hours to infiltrate more than 20 towns outside of Gaza, where they killed at least 1,200 people and took an estimated 150 hostages."
It took over ten hours before help began trickling in.
Here's what astounds me. Israel is about 260 miles in length, and 70 miles at its widest point.
I've been in the military, in 'Nam. We had helicopters in 1968. You could put about fifteen men, a squad, on a helicopter. The Hueys (1968 vintage) flew tops at about 175 mph. Todays Helos can fly much faster. Apache helicopters fly at about the same speed, but can travel about 1150 miles on a tank of fuel.
Why weren't fifty helos with infantry squads aboard at the site of the massacre within an hour of so. Attack helos can fly much faster. And we have VTOL aircraft that can go faster and land anywhere.
This is something that has NEVER been satisfactorily explained as far as I know.
Why, why, why? Why weren't the military leaders who were napping/partying/sleeping, whatever, tried in military courts? Why weren't people fired. Vilified in the papers? I just don't understand.
I don't mean to get off topic, but I believe there are dozens of questions that must be answered and there seems to not be much interest in answering them. The government of Israel and its military... What the hell is wrong?
The Israelis have crushed Hamas in Gaza as a fighting force. They can’t manage any type of sustained counter attacks. Israel controls Gaza. Thus the smaller attacks from the West Bank Hamas members. Sinwar hasn’t been killed because he is surrounded by hostages. They know where he is.
The Democrats in power, whoever they may be, have stymied Israel’s attempts to win. This will not happen in the future as the Israelis have learned not to depend on the USA’s allegiance. The Dems want to preserve Iran and its proxies. Israel wants to destroy them as they are constant lethal threats. Internally, the ruling class in Israel is in league with the Democrats to topple Bibi, in a manner nearly identical to what is being done to Trump here.
I agree. No negotiations with terrorists. Because the entire country is then held hostage. Also, arm all able bodied adult Israelis immediately.. This would have made a difference on October 7. And would make a difference moving forward.
Israel is developing technological solutions to the missiles being fired at them, Iron Beam being a very promising one. Hezbollah and Iran are the next to go.