Good one. I had a dream about all this stuff last night and banged out a post for today. This chaos and evil is infiltrating my dreams. There are similarities between what you're saying about Israel and Bibi, and here in the U.S. and Trump. Remember when Sec of Defense Lloyd Austin was going behind Trump to communicate with the CCP generals who hate America since Korea? And all the blaring klaxons of suspicion about our Secret Service, FBI, DOJ, CIA, ETC and their 'seeming' ineptitude when it comes to protecting the Republican Candidate for the 2024 Presidential election?

The heads of these agencies telegraph their hatred for conservative Americans and Trump with their stupid suggestions (shrapnel) and their brazen smiles.

Treason! There has got to be Treason going on almost in plain view. When will our side pull out the knives and brass knuckles?

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They tried again. The 2nd guy was a Ukraine fanatic. We're surrounded by fanatics.

I went to the optometrist today to pick up some glasses & glanced at my chart. It said, "Sex Assigned at Birth: Female."

I didn't order this.

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Forgive the OT detour:

"There are dozens of questions that must be answered and there seems to not be much interest in answering them"

A precise mirror of our situation re Covid. "The pandemic of the century" that "killed millions" and was the only fucking topic of conversation for nearly 3 years is gone, forgotten, unimportant. Millions of lives destroyed, economy in ruins - but Fauci continues to be venerated. Makes me want to puke. Daily

Again, apologies for being off topic. Your piece is tremendously important and in no way do I wish to diminish the catastrophic, criminal irresponsibility of the IDF/Shabak/Mossad establishment in Israel. But the principle of memory holing is the same

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Nor do I mind the slight diversion. Because it's really the same thing.

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Very interesting. Thank you for sharing!

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