Nothing about the role of bugs bunny in the current definition of nimrod?

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I may have misunderstood but I could not quite figure out if this post is the one from your drafts folder, or if that was something unrelated. Either way, I know from experience it’s hard to take an old copy and figure out how to make it relevant for today. You have to edit the temporal text and make sure all the subjects and verbs agree, then figure out if you even still agree with what you wrote in the first place.

I have been spending more time than I thought possible since October 7 trying to understand how I missed that powder keg and what’s going to happen next. I did not realize how different the secular Jews were, although I suspected as much given that I live in NY and I have to deal with them in local politics. I wonder to what degree the true religion of this group is actually the social justice movement and its phony, performative heroism.

When gay rights first started to become the loud issue online I remember feeling very puzzled that people were really scraping the bottom of the bucket to find “human rights” issues to be bothered with. But that’s all they have, I think. And I want to be supportive and tolerant of whatever makes people happy but their happiness requires owning institutional power and forcing others to repeat their catechisms, as well, and that’s not right.

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